Sets our main struct and passes it to the parent class.
Get the main Gtk struct
the main Gtk struct as a void*
the main Gtk struct
the main Gtk struct
Get the main Gtk struct
the main Gtk struct as a void*
Compare @annot and @other.
Get the color of @annot.
Get the contents of @annot. The contents of @annot is the text that is displayed in the annotation, or an alternate description of the annotation's content for non-text annotations
Get the last modification date of @annot.
Get the name of @annot. The name of the annotation is a string that uniquely indenftifies @annot amongs all the annotations in the same page.
Get the page where @annot appears.
Get the index of the page where @annot appears. Note that the index is 0 based.
Gets the color of @annot.
Set the area of the annotation to @area.
Set the color of the annotation to @color. You can monitor changes to the annotation's color by connecting to notify::color signal on @annot.
Set the contents of @annot. You can monitor changes in the annotation's contents by connecting to notify::contents signal of @annot.
Set the last modification date of @annot to @modified. To set the last modification date using a #GTime, use ev_annotation_set_modified_from_time() instead. You can monitor changes to the last modification date by connecting to the notify::modified signal on @annot.
Set the last modification date of @annot to @utime. You can monitor changes to the last modification date by connecting to the notify::modified sinal on @annot. For the time-format used, see ev_document_misc_format_date().
Set the name of @annot. You can monitor changes of the annotation name by connecting to the notify::name signal on @annot.
Set the color of the annotation to @rgba.
Get the main Gtk struct
the main Gtk struct as a void*